Unique, totally handmade leather goods, every single item individually designed, made, painted and finished.One of a kind.



Showing some of the production process, items in-progress and previously done work.


"Great quality, design and customer service." - A.S.



This is our hobby, which looks a little bit like a business.A wife and husband team, we handmake leather goods in New York City.Each item is individually thought out and then hand cut, holes are hand punched and stitched and then finished off with appropriate straps or details and hardware and then hand conditioned using high-quality leather conditioner.Sometimes we paint the items, sometimes we don't, depending if the design works and if we are inspired to do so.We love doing this work and hope you can enjoy the products, the images, the process.We can also do custom items, depending on the request.


The goodness of Handmade Leather GoodsIn this world that's super saturated with mass-produced goods, handmade leather items stand out.They are examples of tradition, craftsmanship, and enduring quality. From sleek purses to rugged wallets, each item tells a story of meticulous artistry and elegance.Craftsmanship lies at the heart of handmade leather goods. Artisans, often trained in traditional techniques passed down through generations, infuse every stitch with care and attention to detail.Our hands shape raw leather into forms, transforming a simple material into a work of art and practicality; or both.Whether it's the precision of a perfectly aligned seam or the intricacy of a hand-painted design, the craftsmanship inherent in handmade leather goods is unmistakable.The versatility of handmade leather items is exceptional.Purses, totes, wallets, bags, and key fobs—each serves a unique purpose, yet all share a common thread of timeless style.From the boardroom to the coffee shop to inner-city streets or wide open spaces, these accessories complement any look or style.Leather adds a touch of sophistication or ruggedness to every look. And unlike their mass-produced counterparts, handmade leather goods possess a distinct character and charm, a testament to the artisan's skill and passion.Another compelling aspect of handmade leather goods is their durability. Leather, renowned for its strength and resilience tends to outlast synthetic materials by a wide margin.With proper care, these items not only withstand the test of time but actually improve with age, developing a patina that adds to their appeal.A handmade leather purse or wallet isn't just a fashion accessory; it's an investment in quality and longevity.In an age where sustainability and ethical considerations may be at the forefront of your mind, handmade leather goods offer a good choice.Many of us artisans prioritize eco-friendly production methods, ensuring minimal environmental impact.By supporting us, you can feel confident that your purchases align with your values, making a positive impact on both the planet and the communities that produce these treasures.In a world driven by disposable consumption, handmade leather goods remind us of the beauty and significance of slow (or sometimes fast!) , but deliberate craftsmanship.Each piece is a testament to the artisan's skill, dedication, and love for their craft. As you embrace the timeless elegance of handmade leather goods, you not only elevate your style but also honor a tradition that spans centuries—a tradition built on quality, authenticity, and the enduring allure of fine craftsmanship.We hope you can enjoy our process and our goods.

Preserving the Beauty: My best shot at a Guide to Caring for Leather ProductsLeather products have a timeless elegance and enduring quality, but like all things, they require proper care to maintain their beauty and longevity.Whether it's a cherished handbag, a beloved wallet, or a trusty pair of shoes, following a few simple steps can help preserve the integrity of your leather goods for years to come.1. Regular Cleaning: Regular cleaning is essential to prevent dirt and grime from settling into the pores of the leather. Use a soft, damp cloth to gently wipe away surface dust and dirt.But don't rub too hard! Gentle brushing or wiping. If it's a tougher stain, a mild leather cleaner or saddle soap can be used, followed by a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue.(We get no ad revenue or anything for me saying what I am about to say): the best stuff I found is Angelus Leather Balm. Always test on an inconspicuous spot though. It is a good cleaner and conditioner, in one go. Don't ever use it on suede, unless you want to change the color and character of it.Fiebings also makes a good line of cleaners. Saddle soap is good for cleaning, but generally won't condition the leather so well.Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the leather's finish.2. Conditioning: Just like your skin, leather benefits from moisturization to keep it supple and prevent drying out. Apply a quality leather conditioner using a soft cloth, working it into the leather in a circular motion.Allow the conditioner to penetrate the leather for a few minutes, then buff off any excess with a clean cloth or a soft brush (like the one for buffing shoes).Conditioning should be done periodically, depending on the frequency of use and the climate conditions in your area.3. Protection from Moisture: Leather is susceptible to water damage (but it is oddly tougher than you might think!).With that, it's important to protect your goods from too much moisture, or to clean them up after exposure. Avoid exposing them to too much rain, or a dunking in a lake or pool, or excessive humidity.But if your leather stuff does get wet, blot gently with a clean, dry cloth and allow to air dry away from direct heat sources (unless you are trying to permanently form it into shapes or dry it out and harden it, or you'd just like to experiment).For added protection, consider applying a water repellent spray designed specifically for leather.4. Storage: (Applies to very expensive items, cordovan leather, pricy shoes or other items.) Proper storage is part of maintaining the shape and condition of your leather products.Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, as prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause fading and drying out. Use dust bags or pillowcases to protect them from dust and scratches, and avoid overcrowding them in your closet or storage space to prevent creasing or deformation.(If it's a saddle, well, have fun and ride it. If it's a belt, well, just use it and wear it out.)5. Handling with Care: (This section is up to you on how much care and handling you do with your leather goods. After all, it's yours.)Handle your leather products with care to avoid unnecessary wear and tear. Avoid overstuffing wallets or handbags, as this can stretch the leather and cause it to lose its shape over time.When not in use, stuff handbags with tissue paper to help them retain their shape, and avoid hanging them by their straps for prolonged periods, as this can cause them to stretch or deform.6. Professional Maintenance: For stubborn stains, deep cleaning, or repairs, consider seeking the services of a professional leather cleaner or cobbler.They have the expertise and specialized tools to address more complex issues and can help extend the life of your leather goods with professional care and attention (but we can't always restore something that totally destroyed).By following these simple care tips, you can ensure that your leather products remain in good condition for years to come (or by only following some of this -- developing a rad looking patina).


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